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Werewolves, Pureblood

Pureblood Werewolves also don't stand out in public, unlike popular belief. They look human, aside from their eyes and fangs. Their eyes can be many different colors, though they always have a distinct gold rim just outside their pupils. Their fangs protrude much like a vampire's, though they have a double set on the top jaw and only a single set on the bottom. They are often thick with muscle, whether they are male or female. They have an extremely good sense of smell and hearing, both relative to animals, though their only sight trait is their ability to see well in the dark. Though they are not indestructable, they heal extremely quickly, matching a pureblood vampire easily. They are able to run doubly as fast as an average human, no matter what their fittness. They exhaust easily when they transform and need more sleep than normal. When they transform, they're muscles become more usable, their fangs longer, their claws sharper, and their senses more sensitve, though they never actually change appearance more than that. The moon gives them strength and makes them anxious the fuller it is, but otherwise has no effect on them. They don't have any special abilities other than those mentioned and their blood lineage only allows for their species to come about rarely. They are resistant to cold and produce an abnormal warmth themselves. They live to be about 125 years old. Although they don't have all of the special traits that a vampire does, they are natural protectors of humans and often have the ability to fight through pain when their is a human life on the line. Werewolves of this kind are defined as werewolves born to parents with any kind of werewolf blood; they don't have to be werewolves themselves.


